Parapharyngeal space tumours – is the transoral approach effective?

Several approaches are described to the parapharyngeal space to permit resection of tumours in this region, with the most commonly employed approach being the transcervical route. The transoral approach remains somewhat controversial as it is felt that this approach can...

Is there a limitation for excising parapharyngeal tumours transorally?

The parapharyngeal space is a complex anatomical space bounded medially by the oropharynx and laterally by the mandible. It is conceptualised as an inverted pyramid extending from base of skull above to the hyoid bone below. The space is divided...

Deep space neck infections and their management

This article explores the approach to managing patients with deep space neck infections. Clearly, an understanding of the fascial planes within the neck is required which then provides an understanding of the route of spread in these cases. The authors...